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Super size me essay

Super size me essay

This part of the documentary left me all but speechless. Super Size Me uses techniques which attempt to shock the viewer- showing them the devastating effects that consuming nothing but fast food in the case of the documentary, food purchased from McDonalds for 30 super size me essay has upon the physical and mental health of the previously healthy Morgan Spurlock, as well super size me essay highlighting some of the practices of the fast food companies which many people would consider to be highly unethical such as the cultivation of genetically modified chickens- although this practice is not entirely uncommon to other food companies. Super Size Me is a film which urges its viewers to adopt healthier lifestyles, cutting out fast food intake- not supporting the fast food companies which make millions at the expense of the health of their customers. It is a film aimed squarely at a target audience defined by the larger-than-average circumference of their waistbands, and their propensity to consume fast food more regularly than is recommended by health experts, super size me essay. To a great extent, Super Size Me is like an upside down version of Fast Food Nation, a muckraking tome on the fast food industry by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser. A man named Morgan Superlock set out on a 30 day experiment. Unfortunately, the government has sat quietly and let this fast food corporations sacrifice public well-being for profit.


Morgan Spurlock asks for the assistance of 3 doctors to establish the status of his health before embarking on this experiment — a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, and a general practitioner. He makes consultations with the doctors, is interviewed for possible genetic illnesses, any recent hospitalization, medications taken, vices super size me essay drug use. Spurlock also goes through actual tests like ECG, BP monitoring, checking of reflexes, blood tests, super size me essay, iron levels, FBS, triglyceride, cholesterol and glucose levels, organ functions etc, and everything that had to be examined was checked upon. Everything is found normal, and the overall verdict is that Spurlock is in perfect health.

Spurlock also goes to consult with a dietician and an exercise physiologist to have additional information on this study, and he iss again found to be in great shape. Super size me essay of the lifestyle choices which contribute to obesity are: a eating unhealthy food; b leading a sedentary or inactive lifestyle; c overeating; d psychological factors e slow metabolism and f environmental factors. The saturated fats have affected his liver, which have caused his predominant feelings of fatigue and low moods. His moods became bad and you can see from his face that he was always tired.

This was unlike his countenance at the initial part super size me essay the experiment when he was always cheerful and good-natured. This film and the information that I have learned from this course have made me gain a better perspective on my life and the choices that I can make. I have learned that there are a lot of possible choices in life and relating it to this film, I think that I have become more intelligent in my lifestyle choices by preferring to take more fresh food than fast food, avoiding carbonated or high-calorie drinks, staying away from vices like smoking and drinking, trying to make myself more active and squeezing in exercise or physical activity as often as I can.

In addressing the obesity epidemic, the responsibility should be placed on both the consumer and the business enterprise. In like manner, the business enterprise also has the choice to present healthy or unhealthy food products to the consumer. However, the government should try to monitor the actual nutritional content of these products to lessen the unhealthy food choices and make more room for the better options, super size me essay. In this manner, the final line up of products presented to the consumer will have lesser of super size me essay ill effects of obesity. Spurlock, M. Super Size Me. United States: Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside Attractions.

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Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. The documentary Super Size Me, produced by Morgan Spurlock, is a film which aims to frighten its viewers into adopting a more healthy lifestyle. Super Size Me uses techniques which attempt to shock the viewer- showing them the devastating effects that consuming nothing but fast food in the case of the documentary, food purchased from McDonalds for 30 days has upon the physical and mental health of the previously healthy Morgan Spurlock, as well as highlighting some of the practices of the fast food companies which many people would consider to be highly unethical such as the cultivation of genetically modified chickens- although this practice is not entirely uncommon to other food companies.

Super Size Me is a film aimed toward no particular race, age or sect. It is a film aimed squarely at a target audience defined by the larger-than-average circumference of their waistbands, and their propensity to consume fast food more regularly than is recommended by health experts. The members of the target audience share one common bond; they are in denial about how dangerous consuming fast food on a regular basis can be. It would be foolish to assume that the audience has no idea that fast food can be harmful before viewing the film, however, the film forces viewers to confront the issue in a very real way- watching a man quite literally wage war on his state of health.

Super Size Me dredges up the viewpoints that can so easily be swept under the rug whilst standing at the counter of a fast food joint and demonstrates them in a way which is unlikely to leave the minds of the viewers for quite a while. Super Size Me represents the American people in a way which is voiced by people throughout the world; as being notoriously ignorant. In the case of the film, the ignorance is in regards to nutrition. The American people are shown as having an inadequate knowledge of basic nutrition in order to sustain a healthy diet. From before he sets out upon the 30 day experiment, you are aware of the fact that his health will deteriorate, but the extent to which it does is what shocks viewers. It can be fair to say that the ten pounds which Spurlock gains in the first five days of the experiment is the notion that is the most frightening for fad diet-obsessed America.

It is the portion sizes and frequency of consumption which causes this food to be harmful. The film uses visual codes which imitate the graphics used by the fast food companies themselves- using bright, flashy colours- predominantly red and yellow, which studies have shown are likely to provoke hunger. The film shows a graphic scene of a person undergoing liposuction- it shows parts of the human body which are off putting to the viewer. The procedure looks painful- it acts as a deterrent to viewers- making them think about cutting down on their intake of food which is less than healthy. Super Size Me adheres to various usual documentary conventions- the charismatic narrator, Morgan Spurlock, provides commentary and rhetoric throughout the film which could almost be considered witty.

It also uses shaky camera footage in some bits to create a feeling of realism. Super Size Me is a film which urges its viewers to adopt healthier lifestyles, cutting out fast food intake- not supporting the fast food companies which make millions at the expense of the health of their customers. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free. Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list.

Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results — immediately! Super Size Me: An Analysis. The whole doc is available only for registered users. Pages: 4 Word count: Category: Film Analysis Nutrition. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now. The film Supersize Me does a good job laying out the case for the corporate blame for the rise in obesity in the United States. In the film, an expert points out the fact that food portions have gotten larger than in the past. Supersize Me. The film also discusses the rising obesity and diabetes crisis in the United States.

He will Film Analysis Supersize Me. In the film Super-Size Me, Director Morgan Sperlock attempts to show the entire world the long-term effects and subsequent results of eating nothing except fast-food for an entire I decided to watch the Super-Size Me documentary. This documentary was done by Morgan Spurlock in Many Americans eat fast food every day. It affects each individual in a different way, there were many lawsuits being filed because of the obesity and illness levels Documentary Supersize Me. Fast Food Film Analysis Supersize Me. Are fast food companies the only reason for America being the fattest nation in the world? Director Morgan Spurlock attempts a social experiment to prove that fast food companies, especially McDonald, has a drastic effect Fast Food Prejudice Supersize Me.

A man named Morgan Superlock set out on a 30 day experiment. This covered breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all of his liquid intake. Although this may additionally appear effortless to Fast Food Junk Food Supersize Me. Born on November 7, , the American filmmaker is known for his crazy experiments. In this particular documentary, Spurlock follows a day period from February 1st to March 2nd, in Documentary Film Analysis Supersize Me.

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