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Essay on organizational culture

Essay on organizational culture

In addition, they need to consider the employees while effecting organizational change by, for instance, allowing them to change without having their work disrupted. Harvard Business Review. As such, there would have to be a connection between the development and implementation essay on organizational culture policies. Research Paper Examples Research Paper on Separation Anxiety Disorder Do My Essay! get custom essay.

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Special offer! Promo code: SAVE Every organization has its own culture that guides its operations. Organizational culture is defined as a system of beliefs, values, essay on organizational culture, and assumptions that are shared and that determine the behavior of people in an organization, essay on organizational culture. People in essay on organizational culture organizational settings are so strongly influenced by these shared values that they perform their duties, act, and dress in line with them. Noteworthy, organizational culture is related with change management.

An organization needs to embrace change from time to time. Failure to do this would mean that the organization risks remaining stagnant as its peers and competitors advance in their operations and profitability, essay on organizational culture. In this respect, an organization should know how to handle its organizational culture in effecting new changes in its system. This paper compares and contrasts different management models as may be applied to change management with respect to organizational culture. The perceptions of organizational change and the wellbeing of managers are greatly influenced by the organizational level. According to the demand-control management model, an employee would be well placed to manage their job demands if they are allowed to control their jobs.

However, Lindorff, Worral and Cooper contend that this management model may not be ideal for all levels of organizational management. The argument goes that in the case of executives, they can less strenuously manage their demanding jobs since they can easily control the situation owing to their management positions. For instance, executives can modify their strategies or even delegate tasks. Contrastingly, lower job control is experienced by lower level managers in line with their positions. I agree with the arguments of this article concerning the demand-control model of management.

It would not give forth to a good organizational culture. This is because, essay on organizational culture, in my opinion, the top level managers would be exercising utmost control over the lower level managers and this would not be healthy for an organization. In essence, it is usually the lower level managers performing the bulk of organizational tasks as compared to the executives. Often, the top level managers often delegate their responsibilities to the junior managers. Out of respect essay on organizational culture the hierarchy of management, the junior managers always perform the delegated duties without questions. As such, it is true as posited by the article that effecting change in such an organization would be an uphill task since the top management would thwart such efforts in all ways possible.

There are also management models that can work well in managing change through change agency. According to Barratt-Pugh, Bahn and Gakereorganizational change management is always an uphill task that can turn out to be a process that is both lengthy and emotional, essay on organizational culture. As such, it requires those managing change to negotiate skillfully. It calls for a management model that is based on a strategic human resource approach. The approach should be about activating, engaging, and communicating with employees throughout the process of change. This can save an organization the pains of having to deal with out-placements, redundancies, and transfers after a change would have been effected.

It is further observed by Barratt-Pugh, Bahn and Gakere that during the process of change, employees and managers fall under two classes: the recipients of change employees and the agents of change managers. I am in agreement with this classification since managers are the decision makers in any organization. They thus have to be the ones to bring in and effect relevant change s within an organization. The responsibility of the employees as part of the organization is to receive, accept and work with the change in the best interest of the company.

Maagers are usually charged with general organizational control and giving direction to other junior employees about the activities of an organization. The implication here is that the change process would need to accommodate the considerations of both the top management and junior employees. Essay on organizational culture here is where a contrast comes in between this management model and the demand-control one, essay on organizational culture. In the latter, in my view, the essay on organizational culture management would want to continue exercising immense control and would not want to be subjected to the same change adaptation processes as their junior colleagues.

This is where the issue of resistance to change could set in. it would take a proper and workable HR strategy to tame this menace. The remedy to resistance to change lies with the change agents, who are largely managers. I believe they can make it easy for the other employees if they can accept and embrace the change first before the other employees, essay on organizational culture. In addition, they need to consider the employees while effecting organizational change by, for instance, allowing them to change without having their work disrupted.

I also share in the essay on organizational culture that behavioral organizational change should be enhanced by ensuring that the recipients of change are involved in the formation of organizational vision; one that they would gladly support. Lasting and successful change is only achievable if the recipients and agents of change have good interpersonal essay on organizational culture between them. This management model suggests that an effective management control should be designed based on three ideas. The following are the ideas: in order for an organization to improve in terms of performance, it should adopt a culture that is result-oriented and whose emphasis is on outcomes and not processes or inputs; performance management by organizations in the public sector should be informed by incentives, monitoring and targets, and; decision rights should be decentralized by organizations in the public sector and that public sector organizations should rely less on procedures and rules.

According essay on organizational culture a study conducted by these scholars, internal deregulation would have little benefits. The findings of the study also indicate that organizational performance and a results-oriented culture would be positively affected by procedures and rules. I am in agreement with this observation since it is only through strict procedures and rules that desirable results may be achieved in whatever task. It is further observed that if separated, policy development and policy implementation can be less effective and less beneficial. The findings of the study by Verbeeten and Speklé instead pitch for strategic decentralization as a performance booster. The idea here, in my understanding, is that the development of a performance policy should be informed by how the policy is to be implemented.

A poorly formulated policy would definitely be difficult and challenging to implement. In this view, the NPM model and the demand-control model have grounds for comparison. Both of them give managers immense control powers. Similarly, essay on organizational culture, the essay on organizational culture model allows managers to exercise job control by enjoying supreme authority and delegating duties. My candid opinion on these two management models is that both are likely to fail in the context of organizational change. Another important management approach or model concerning organizational management and culture is known as differentiation approach.

As explained by Hill and Carleythis organizational management approach maintains that organizational culture should be created and essay on organizational culture in line with the informal social relationships of employees. The argument here is that culture should be treated as a phenomenon whose emphasis is on the fact that the members of an organization would have different perceptions over an issue at any given time. As such, an organization should understand and appreciate that the sharing of practices, values, and meanings should be guided by the sub-cultural boundaries of employees. Looking keenly into this approach, I get to notice some contrast between it and the NPM model.

As has been seen, the NPM model requires that policy development and policy implementation should be done independently. However, essay on organizational culture with the differentiation approach would require an organization to take into account the various perceptions of employees as it develops and implements policies or organizational change. As such, there would have to be a connection between the development and implementation of policies. Differentiation approach could also come in handy with respect to diagnosing who might resist a change and the reasons for which they become change-resistant. Thus, as proposed by differentiation management approach, managers should seek to understand the various perceptions and concerns their employees may have regarding a change before going to implement it.

This way, it would be easier for them to prepare the employees for the change and make them receptive to it or at least less resistant to it. This should be the case both during the formulation and implementation phases of the change process. There are different models of organizational management. Every model has advantages and disadvantages associated with it as far as organizational culture and change management are concerned. It is upon an organization to choose the model that best fits its culture. However, the chosen model should be in a position to allow for change to be effected smoothly in the organization. It should also not take for granted the views and inputs of the junior employees of an organization.

It should serve to prepare everybody in the organization for pending changes so that the problem of resistance to change may be adequately addressed. Managers as change agents, essay on organizational culture. Journal of Orgchange Mgmt26 4 Hill, V. Win friends and influence people: Relationships as conduits of organizational culture in temporary placement agencies. Journal of Management Inquiry20 4 Kotter, J. Harvard Business Review, essay on organizational culture. Lindorff, M. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources49 2 Verbeeten, F.

Management control, results-oriented culture and public sector performance: Empirical evidence on new public management, essay on organizational culture. Organization Studies36 7essay on organizational culture, com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines. We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help. Ours, therefore, is to pick up where your lecturers stop by providing you with a reliable process for meeting your academic needs.

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This is where the issue of resistance to change could set in. it would take a proper and workable HR strategy to tame this menace. The remedy to resistance to change lies with the change agents, who are largely managers. I believe they can make it easy for the other employees if they can accept and embrace the change first before the other employees. In addition, they need to consider the employees while effecting organizational change by, for instance, allowing them to change without having their work disrupted. I also share in the belief that behavioral organizational change should be enhanced by ensuring that the recipients of change are involved in the formation of organizational vision; one that they would gladly support.

Lasting and successful change is only achievable if the recipients and agents of change have good interpersonal relations between them. This management model suggests that an effective management control should be designed based on three ideas. The following are the ideas: in order for an organization to improve in terms of performance, it should adopt a culture that is result-oriented and whose emphasis is on outcomes and not processes or inputs; performance management by organizations in the public sector should be informed by incentives, monitoring and targets, and; decision rights should be decentralized by organizations in the public sector and that public sector organizations should rely less on procedures and rules.

According to a study conducted by these scholars, internal deregulation would have little benefits. The findings of the study also indicate that organizational performance and a results-oriented culture would be positively affected by procedures and rules. I am in agreement with this observation since it is only through strict procedures and rules that desirable results may be achieved in whatever task. It is further observed that if separated, policy development and policy implementation can be less effective and less beneficial. The findings of the study by Verbeeten and Speklé instead pitch for strategic decentralization as a performance booster.

The idea here, in my understanding, is that the development of a performance policy should be informed by how the policy is to be implemented. A poorly formulated policy would definitely be difficult and challenging to implement. In this view, the NPM model and the demand-control model have grounds for comparison. Both of them give managers immense control powers. Similarly, the demand-control model allows managers to exercise job control by enjoying supreme authority and delegating duties. My candid opinion on these two management models is that both are likely to fail in the context of organizational change. Another important management approach or model concerning organizational management and culture is known as differentiation approach. As explained by Hill and Carley , this organizational management approach maintains that organizational culture should be created and adopted in line with the informal social relationships of employees.

The argument here is that culture should be treated as a phenomenon whose emphasis is on the fact that the members of an organization would have different perceptions over an issue at any given time. As such, an organization should understand and appreciate that the sharing of practices, values, and meanings should be guided by the sub-cultural boundaries of employees. Looking keenly into this approach, I get to notice some contrast between it and the NPM model. As has been seen, the NPM model requires that policy development and policy implementation should be done independently. However, working with the differentiation approach would require an organization to take into account the various perceptions of employees as it develops and implements policies or organizational change.

As such, there would have to be a connection between the development and implementation of policies. Differentiation approach could also come in handy with respect to diagnosing who might resist a change and the reasons for which they become change-resistant. Thus, as proposed by differentiation management approach, managers should seek to understand the various perceptions and concerns their employees may have regarding a change before going to implement it. This way, it would be easier for them to prepare the employees for the change and make them receptive to it or at least less resistant to it. This should be the case both during the formulation and implementation phases of the change process.

There are different models of organizational management. Every model has advantages and disadvantages associated with it as far as organizational culture and change management are concerned. It is upon an organization to choose the model that best fits its culture. However, the chosen model should be in a position to allow for change to be effected smoothly in the organization. It should also not take for granted the views and inputs of the junior employees of an organization. It should serve to prepare everybody in the organization for pending changes so that the problem of resistance to change may be adequately addressed. Managers as change agents. Journal of Orgchange Mgmt , 26 4 , Hill, V.

Win friends and influence people: Relationships as conduits of organizational culture in temporary placement agencies. Journal of Management Inquiry , 20 4 , Kotter, J. Harvard Business Review. Lindorff, M. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources , 49 2 , Verbeeten, F. Management control, results-oriented culture and public sector performance: Empirical evidence on new public management. Organization Studies , 36 7 , com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. With staff cooperation and the shared vision of the Manager and her Assistant Managers will ultimately aid meeting the company's, as well as, the customers' needs.

The Manager makes her decisions and in some cases had to review those decisions to accommodate the opposition from the senior staff. This shows her inexperience as a Manager, denying herself her authority and positional power, and allowing subordinates to influence her managerial duties. As a result of this imbalance, there is notable conflict amongst staff in CS and whilst the Manager tries to find ways to deal with the conflict, the department still suffers from the adverse effect of resistance to change. The author observed that in the early stages, the Manager had exhibited an inclination toward the unitary frame of reference by attempting to suppress conflict.

However, this did not last long as staff proved to be 'fearless' of the attempt. The Manager has since shown that she is in favour of resolving conflict. Perhaps she was made aware of the Conflict Management Grid Blake and Mouton cited in Senior and Swailes , p. This is where an individual can score from low to high to determine their conflict-handling style. Each conflict-handling style has an outcome in terms of its ability to tackle the content of the conflict and the relationship with the other party. The five styles for this model are:Further study into leadership behaviour by the University of Michigan and Ohio State resulted in two independent dimensions of leadership, which is actually a combination of all four types of behaviour: consideration and initiating structure.

The degree to which a leader builds trust and mutual respect with subordinates, shows respect for their ideas and concern for their well being; this is consideration. The degree to which a leader defines and structures their role and interactions within the group towards the attainment of organisational goals is initiating structure. At Tatil, the executive management display a directive leadership style. This is not a wise strategy by management, as the author has observed that staff are reluctant to cooperate when decisions are made; especially when it comes to change. In terms of Client Services, the Manager had come in initially with a combination of concern for task and directive leadership styles. However, as this had proven to be unsuccessful, the Manager has shifted toward a more participative leadership style with a concern for task and people.

This has significantly improved the environment in the department but there is still the battle with senior staff that is proving to be most challenging. Conclusion It is not accurate to say the Manager of Client Services is unfit to be in that position; nor is it accurate to say that staff are completely resistant to change. In fact, the few significant changes in Client Services with the establishment of a second Assistant Manager and training of new staff and general concern for subordinate satisfaction, the staff seem to be adapting to change better than originally expected. It was said once by staff that things tend to get worse before it gets better, and in the four years of change, though the hurdles have been high and strong, the department functions smoothly and efficiently, proving that they can come together as a team despite differences; they are breaking barriers and are pushing through to meet the organisational objectives and maintain the customers' satisfaction.

The commitment by staff and management to continue to dialogue and strategise is a positive move that is developing bonds amongst colleagues and building trust in each relationship. This will ultimately assist the department to be more successful and valuable to the Tatil. The author noted that regardless of the differences amongst staff and management, there is still warmth, teamwork and a sense of family at Tatil, even in the midst of change; as their tag line states Tatil is the type of organisation " where people are people". This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Organisational Culture Essay. Free Essays - PhDessay.

com, Jul 09, Accessed January 7, com , Jul

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