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Reflective essay on writing process

Reflective essay on writing process

I was never really taught on how to do in-text citations so I had to kind of teach myself to better that skill. The evalua Better Essays. Describe Myself As Reflective essay on writing process Writer I understand what I need to write about, but just do not know how to start it. Create Flashcards.

1st Step: Review the assignment

Reflective writing is a balancing act with many factors at play: description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and future application. Reflective writers must weave their personal perspectives with evidence of deep, reflective essay on writing process, critical thought as they make connections between theory, practice, and learning. The steps below should help you find the appropriate balance among all these factors. As with any writing situation, the first step in writing a reflective piece is to clarify the task. Reflective assignments can take many forms, so you need to understand exactly what your instructor is asking you to do. Some reflective reflective essay on writing process are short, just a paragraph or two of unpolished writing.

Usually the purpose of these reflective pieces is to capture your immediate impressions or perceptions. That type of reflection helps you and your instructor gauge your understanding of the concept. Other reflections are academic essays that can range in length from several paragraphs to several pages. The purpose of these essays is to critically reflect on and support an original claim s about a larger experience, such as an event you attended, a project reflective essay on writing process worked on, or your writing development. These essays require polished writing that conforms to academic conventions, such as articulation of a thesis and substantive revision. They might address a larger audience than you and your instructor, including, for example, your classmates, your family, a scholarship committee, etc.

Refer to the Borton, DIEL, and DIEP models as you generate ideas for your writing. To meet the tasks identified in those models you might consider things like:. The Borton, DEAL, and Reflective essay on writing process frameworks can help you consider how to organize your content. Remember that your reflection will generally include descriptive writing, followed by analysis and interpretation, followed by consideration of significance for future action. That pattern might be developed once throughout a short piece or repeated several times in an academic reflective essay. For example, reflective essay on writing process, the thesis below appeared in an end-of-semester reflection essay, written in response to an assignment asking students to consider their writing reflective essay on writing process. Notice that the student makes a focused, interpretive claim that can be supported throughout her essay with evidence from her own writing, reflective essay on writing process.

A word about thesis placement: Because a reflection essay combines personal perception with academic convention, the thesis does not necessarily appear in the introduction. Many writers build to the thesis in the conclusion of their essays. And speaking of structure, there is no one-size-fits-all organization pattern for an academic reflection essay. Some writers introduce the subject, follow the introduction with a series of reflections, and then move to an interpretive close. Others establish a chronology of events, weaving the implications of those events throughout.

Still others articulate a series of major points, supporting those points with evidence. You should craft an organizational structure that best fits your distinctive ideas and observations. Evidence is defined broadly in an academic reflection, so it might include such things as anecdotes, examples, relevant material from a course or outside sources, explanations of logic or decision-making, definitions, speculations, details, and other forms of non-traditional evidence. In the example below, notice how the writer uses her decision to limit the scope of a project as evidence to support her claim. Keeping a central focus in mind applies to multimodal compositions as well as written essays. A prime example of this was in my remix. When storyboarding for the video, I wanted to appeal to all college students in general.

Within my compressed time limit of three minutes, I had planned to showcase numerous large points. It was too much. A single, unpolished draft may suffice for short, in-the-moment reflections. Longer academic reflection essays will require significant drafting, revising, and editing. Whatever the length of the assignment, keep this reflective cycle in mind:. Improve this page Learn Reflective essay on writing process. Skip to main content. Module: Reflection. Search for:. Process of Reflective Writing Reflective writing is a balancing act with many factors at play: description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and future application. Example Keeping a central focus in mind applies to multimodal compositions as well as written essays.

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narrtive essay

You should craft an organizational structure that best fits your distinctive ideas and observations. Evidence is defined broadly in an academic reflection, so it might include such things as anecdotes, examples, relevant material from a course or outside sources, explanations of logic or decision-making, definitions, speculations, details, and other forms of non-traditional evidence. In the example below, notice how the writer uses her decision to limit the scope of a project as evidence to support her claim. Keeping a central focus in mind applies to multimodal compositions as well as written essays. A prime example of this was in my remix. When storyboarding for the video, I wanted to appeal to all college students in general.

Within my compressed time limit of three minutes, I had planned to showcase numerous large points. It was too much. A single, unpolished draft may suffice for short, in-the-moment reflections. Longer academic reflection essays will require significant drafting, revising, and editing. Whatever the length of the assignment, keep this reflective cycle in mind:. Improve this page Learn More. Skip to main content. Module: Reflection. Search for:. While I seemed to find constructive feedback from my teacher, my classmates could have been more supportive. While reading some feedback all I would get is compliments for some people, while its flattering to be complimented, I would rather have tips on how my writing get better. Creating these writing pieces has taught me a lot about my voice and audience and has allowed me to reflect on my….

I understand what I need to write about, but just do not know how to start it. However, what has helped me with my writing process has been setting up a draft in which I write down what I will talk about in each paragraph. Also, peer reviews have helped me so much with my writing process. I like having my peers read over my essay and give me feedback. This helped me know where I needed to make changes and parts I did well on. I find myself spending much of my time organizing the thoughts, writing and rewriting, trying to get the wording right and making sure that everything is related with the topic. I want to make sure that my paper can make sense for the reader. Another challenge is how making the writing experience not boring, but exciting.

How can I get the audience attention? Sometimes the subject that is super interesting to me will not be for others. Taking the time to analyse the readings is very helpful when writing because it helps you not only stick to the prompt, but gain fluent ideas as you write so everything is well organized throughout the description of the essay. As Elbows method requires lots of problem solving within your brain, which to me is too much to ask for as it makes the writing process much more difficult. I would say most people just like me tend to avoid that ,and rather stay on a clear and more simple path that allows them to more sufficiently, write an…. It wasn 't because I wanted to know what they thought of my work but more because I wanted me to think of my work not just confined to myself by out there for everyone to know it 's okay to express yourself.

Also I find narrative essay difficult because you have to come to terms with your situations that have been pressed below but I think that makes it more rewarding with you finally reach the surface. Since I have only written one narrative essay this semester I think that would best reflect my writing as of right now. The searching was my favorite part of the writing process by the hassle would be the conclusion because there was a constant debate in my head of what it could be but…. So writing and editing the essay I chose showed me that there is plenty of room to improve. My original plan was simple and just make small changes, but as I read my work I grew disappointed in myself.

I knew that a lot of my mistakes where things that I looked over because I was distracted. Although I know my weakness when it comes to writing I try to stay optimistic with my work. I know if I keep writing I can improve and be more detailed when it comes to checking for…. In order to make my weaknesses my strengths I have to practice more. English became better than predicted once the fear of procrastination disappeared, the writing became an expression. I feel now that I can write without being judged, and I can make the mistakes I need in order to excel. Likewise, the feeling of being confident in writing is the uttermost important lesson that this class has provided me with.

Writing is not something that should be feared, but something that should be…. The papers were about the text or cartoon and what it meant as a whole. When it come to rhetorical situations it depends on what type of essay you are writing. My first paper taught me the most because it was the first real paper I had did own my own without my teacher being over my shoulder. It taught me what methods are good and bad for me to use for the rest of the semester. It taught me to work on the paper longer, what my writing process is, peer review is valuable and being able to write freely helps and the grade I got on this…. I was never really taught on how to do in-text citations so I had to kind of teach myself to better that skill.

Also, here and there throughout my research paper I had many run on sentences but that is an easy fix because it was only my second draft. Another strong point in my paper was the conclusion, which typically that is my hardest part of finishing a paper. The expectations for college writing is far different than the writing in high school. I believe that my final pieces of writing show how I have grown as a writer from the beginning of college. But since the first day I walked into my eleven am class, I knew it was going to be one of my favorite and most helpful classes of the semester.

English has helped me realize what I have been doing wrong in my essays and has helped me accomplish little goals of improvement along the journey. At the beginning of the semester I had no idea how to structure my essay or how to make it interesting. All these techniques really caught my attention and made me realize what I have been doing wrong the whole time. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page My Writing Process Reflection. My Writing Process Reflection Words 4 Pages Open Document.

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