However, in an online environment, this process occurs quickly through interacting and completing the team charter that establishes teamwork expectation. The Advantages Online shopping provides the convenience of shopping from the comfort of one's home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- since online stores never close. References Wienclaw, R. The students study from a place that is most convenient for them. Community College Journal essay on online education Research and Practice, 29 6
Introduction to Online Education Essay:
Essay on online education: Online education has exploded in popularity, with over 20 million students taking at least one online course. Since its inception, many have questioned whether or not online learning is the future of education. Online learning is on the rise. One of the main reasons for this is that it offers some pretty major benefits to students, essay on online education, including convenience and cost-effectiveness. For example, you can learn about anything from the comfort of your own home, at any time of day or night. You can also do so at your own pace.
Online learning also offers some major advantages for parents who are looking for an alternative to public school education. Keep on reading to learn more about the benefits of online learning and how it might be right for you! Online education is more accessible to students than ever before. With the number of people learning online increasing exponentially, there are more options for people who want to take an online course, essay on online education. The students who are most likely to be taking online courses are younger essay on online education often underserved by traditional schools. Online classes are a great option for students who want to earn a certificate or two-year degree, but are unable to attend traditional classes due to financial constraints, essay on online education, work schedules, or travel.
In addition, some worry about the lack of human interaction with peers and professors. The reasons why some people are interested in taking online courses are numerous. Online courses can be online classrooms. These are open online courses that are given through an approved institution or university. Students are able to take online courses for an undergraduate or graduate essay on online education, or essay on online education internship. If you are looking for freedom of schedule, time, and in some cases even money, online education is for you. Although many argue that the future of education is online, there are some things to consider before making the leap to an online education program. To determine the best course for you, you should first determine what you want out of your education.
If you are taking the course for fun or for research purposes, essay on online education, you may not be focused enough to learn effectively. If you are interested in making money, you may need a different kind of course. As students learn new skills and expand their knowledge, they develop new interests that they can pursue after the course is over. As online learning continues to grow, some argue that it represents a promising alternative to traditional classrooms. While these views are far from universal, what is clear is that the benefits of online education are certainly worth exploring. The number one reason that most people enroll in online courses is that they are convenient and easy to access.
Students can log in at their own schedule, take the course at their own pace, essay on online education, and even save it to the hard drive of their computer to be taken home to study at their leisure. For traditional classes, it can often cost hundreds of dollars per course to pay for all of the required materials for the course. Because online education can be a little more challenging, students can experience online courses that include a lot of information but are difficult to digest. Students who are less proficient with communication are likely to have difficulty sharing their ideas, essay on online education. In addition to these problems, essay on online education classes often lack focus, as the tasks presented to students become more and more difficult, they start to procrastinate, and the quality of the education will suffer.
The benefits of online learning can be substantial, particularly when essay on online education comes to acquiring knowledge and gaining skills. This dynamic opens up opportunities for anyone to reach more people and build their network. Definition Hyperbole is a figure of speech where we exaggerate or overemphasize any definition. It is done for expressing something clearly and forcefully. Example The…. Past perfect tense perfect is often associated with time clauses and is commonly used in the reported speech. continuous tense definition, formula, its usage with…. What is Apostrophe? An apostrophe is a figure of speech in which some absent things or dead person is directly addressed as it is present…. In this essay on global warming causes, you will essay on online education the various factors that are contributing to this change in our climate and what steps….
What is a noun? Definition A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing as well as passion or…. What are the verbs in English? The verb is concerned with doing and being. Its function is to make a statement, to ask questions, and…. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content. Table Of Contents. What is online education? Will online education replace traditional schools? The Pros of Online Education The Cons of Online Education Conclusion.
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Online Education -- Research Method Response Initial Research Methodology I relied exclusively on online sources to conduct the research for this project. he first source that I consulted was the database archived on the website maintained by the former print magazine, U. I selected that as the starting point for my research because I was aware of the long-term annual series of "Best Colleges in the U. It occurred to me that, in the Internet age and with the continually-increasing popularity of online education programs, the magazine would probably have also evaluated the various online options to a traditional "brick-and-mortar" institution of higher learning.
Because the U. There were three reasons that caused me to reject search results: first, those that were not published by professional or peer-reviewed, or mainstream news sources; second, those that were published by insufficiently scholarly sources such as aol articles without author attribution ; and third, those that were published by scholarly sources but that required a fee to view the articles in full text format. Unanticipated Complications During my research, I encountered two additional complications or limitations.
Specifically, I used the same search terms as in my original search "online" and "education" and "technology" on Google Scholar. That search yielded many relevant titles but almost all of those that were recent enough to be reliable were only available in abstract format and required a fee for the full text. Finally, there were apparently several potentially useful sources published by. Teachers often make this task easier by using group work or asking students to discuss ideas in partners. Some who believe that online education is not as beneficial as land-based education often suggest that this type of discourse is unavailable in virtual classrooms. This, however, is not the case. Virtual classrooms often have discussion boards on which students can post questions and topics and respond to other students.
Just like they do in land-based classrooms, teachers in virtual classrooms often give a question or a prompt, students answer, and then students are required to respond to their peers' responses. Some even argue that this processes, which is often held in discussion boards that work like message boards, is better than the discussions held in land-based schools. These people say that online education gives the students a degree of anonymity, allowing them to express what they really think or feel. Students should consider online education, because there are many advantages to it. Littlefield notes several key advantages to online education, including flexibility, good networking opportunities, open scheduling, pacing, savings, teaching and testing options, and effectiveness.
Several of these are advantages even though they are normally considered positive traits of a traditional school structure. This paper will investigate these claims to provide the reader with a compelling argument that online education is beneficial for many students and a powerful force in the education system. First, a little bit of history. Online education developed with the emergence of the Internet, since that streamlined the ability of people to learn no matter where they were. Before the Internet, distance education was much more limited, for example, in remote locations, for prisoners and in other situations where physical attendance at an educational institution was difficult.
As technology has improved, so too has the…. References Allen, I. Entering the mainstream: The quality and extent of online education in the United States. Sloan Consortium. htm Parker, N. The quality dilemma in online education. Athabasca University. Online Education Find three articles in newspapers, journals, or online that discuss the value, soundness, or impact of online education. Over the last several years, online education is becoming increasingly popular. This is because there a number of benefits touted as a way to help address critical issues inside the education system. However, there are also many challenges that are having an impact upon these solutions.
To fully understand what is happening, there will be an examination of three different sources. Together, these elements will highlight underlying strengths and weaknesses associated with online education. In the first article, Overly is talking about the benefits and drawbacks that online education can provide. For many students these advantages include: more one on one attention, there are greater amounts of flexibility and they can receive a better quality education. This is important because these attributes are helping to create changes in the…. Works Cited Clark, K. Online Education. Online Education Evolves. Washington Post. html Ruiz, J. The Impact of E-Learning. Academic Medicine, 81 3 , -- As Auburn University notes, online classes are especially appealing to adult learners, because of their flexibility and accessibility.
They note, "No more giving up a career; no more driving hours each week to the nearest campus. All you need is contemporary communications equipment and the motivation to succeed in your courses" Auburn University, Students who need to take occasional classes for certification or license renewal also have much more accessibility to relevant classes. If they are parents, this allows them the flexibility to work, attend school, and still take care of their family responsibilities. Another writer notes, "This means that parents can attend to their children, then sit down to class; working students can attend classes no matter what their work schedule might be, folks that travel for business or pleasure can attend class from anywhere in the world that has internet access" Coleman, As noted, online classes….
References Auburn University. Benefits of online education. php2 March Coleman, S. Benefits of online learning reasons to learn online. Retrieved from the Worldwidelearn. htm2 March The benefits of online education. Retrieved from the Online-college-degree-resourses. html2 March Jansen, T. Do online classes benefit students with disabilities? Retrieved from the Online-education. Online Learning Since the advent of the Internet, online learning has increased exponentially. Online learning is utilized by K schools, by public universities and colleges, and there has been an explosion in for-profit online schools as well. Twenty years ago, the industry did not really exist -- distance education was usually some form of correspondence course.
This makes sense, because all the world's information is basically at our fingertips every time we go online -- structuring that information in a manner that is meaningful is fairly easy to adapt to the online environment. The industry has come under some criticism, in particular for its model with respect to student loans and the high default rate thereof Taibbi, Yet, such business…. References McCue, T. Ripping off young America: the college loan scandal. Rolling Stone. Financial Times. May 11, Fedynich, L. Teaching beyond the classroom walls: The pros and cons of cyberlearning.
Journal of Instructional Pedagogies. Online Education Has on Students The potential of an entirely virtual or online educational platform has many advantages over traditional in-class teaching, as the former can be aligned more accurately to students' needs. The effects of online education on students continue to show potential in math and science disciplines that require continual reinforcement of complex concepts through practice and problem solving Calafiore, Damianov, Using online applications and platforms, complex concepts can be simplified and broken down for ease of learning. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate the effect that online education has on students.
Analysis Of The Effects That Online Education Has On Students The most significant effect that online education has on students ins the ability to tailor complex concepts into relatively simpler frameworks for ease of analysis, reputation and learning by students. The cause-and-effect of using these frameworks and repetitive approaches to simplifying complex learning…. References Calafiore, P. The effect of time spent online on student achievement in online economics and finance courses. Journal of Economic Education, 42 3 , Mia Liza, A. Can interactivity make a difference? effects of interactivity on the comprehension of and attitudes toward online health content. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 6 , Najjar, M.
On scaffolding adaptive teaching prompts within virtual labs. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 6 2 , The time honored debate about distance education versus conventional education has taken on new dimensions at SUNY Empire State College. There are students who feel strongly about each of these options. However, when attempting to compare which one is superior, there was a fair amount of insight recently uncovered by Reid Richards, a second-year science major partaking in the distance learning campus environment. However, he decided to take the remainder of his classes online due to a number of key facets of what he underwent, as well as findings that online education is superior to conventional education Means ix.
The sophomore revealed that he prefers the overall level of sophistication to taking online courses versus those in conventional classroom settings. As a young father who is also…. Works Cited Means, Barbara, Toyama, Yukie, Murphy, Robert, Bakia, Marianne, Jones, Karla. Department of Education. Even the traditional public school classroom now must compete with online public school classrooms that deliver their material to the student via the Internet. The psychological and social aspects of online communication have been the study of many peer-reviewed articles over the past 15 years. The Internet is expected to have a greater social impact than television because if effects more areas of a person's life.
The Internet affects their personal, family, school and work life Surveying the Digital Future, It is not just for entertainment value. Some claim that the Internet has changed social relations Civin, , but others disagree and feel that the impact has not been as great as others claim Katz and Aspden, There are many conflicting studies on the social and psychological effects of the Internet. The difficulty is in determining which ones are the most credible. It was thought that the Internet…. Works Cited Birnie, S. And Horvath, P. Psychological Predictors of Internet Social Communication. Psychological Predictors of Internet Social Communication, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. Civin, M.
Male, female, email: The struggle for relatedness in a paranoid society. New York: Other Press. In Sarah A. Birnie and Peter Horvath. Psychological Predictors of Internet Social Communication, Retrieved May 22, from:. Why to Adopt Pedagogy Based on Digital Online Interactions with Students Introduction With the arrival of the digital age has come a shift in the way information is pursued, transacted, shared, discussed, obtained, and processed. Students who have grown up in the digital age are digital natives and are more comfortable using digital technology than being without it. For design educators who are used to the studio-based pedagogy that has been in use for a century, shifting to embrace a digital-based pedagogy can seem like a transition that is too great of a leap for them to welcome.
After all, the pedagogy of the studio-based design education has its own special uniqueness that cannot be replicated in a digitalized format. However, what design educators need to realize is that it is not about replication but rather it is about improving the pedagogy by way of innovation. The pedagogy of the…. Online Studio Education The rise of Web 2. The internet, since then, started becoming the reservoir of knowledge, giving free access to information and educational resources Loannao, Because of these developments, online courses and online education began and were incorporated in different educational fields as the means of expanding knowledge and enhancing the learning procedure Loannao, The entire course is designed in the traditional pedagogy.
Online Studio Education is more than just a different teacher and student interaction format as it involves consistency within the educational resources as all the students receive the consistent course material and access…. Question 1 Based on the case study, select one country in the Arab world and critically analyze the market demographics, then select a lucrative market segment and for that segment argue a case for a product offering based on the internet usage that delivers some value to the customer. Many expatriates from other countries come to work in the KSA, in fields like health care and IT, but the KSA is currently promoting a Saudization initiative which is designed to get more native Saudis educated, trained and into the workforce Al-Dosary, References Al-Dosary, A.
Saudization Localization —A critical review. Human Resource Development International, 8 4 , Appana, S. A review of benefits and limitations of online learning in the context of the student, the instructor, and the tenured faculty. International Journal on E-Learning, 7 1 : Haynie, D. Opportunity for credit a new hook for MOOCs. Saudi Arabia demographics profile html Legget, T. qekaADkKO McCutcheon, K. A systematic review evaluating the impact of online or blended learning vs. face-to-face learning of clinical skills in undergraduate nurse education.
JAN, 71 2 : Differentiate or die. In The marketing Gurus ed. NY: Penguin. The Benefits of Online Education Introduction To a degree, all educational institutions have migrated some of their services online, taking advantage of new media and new technologies to improve service delivery, cut costs, and enhance the learning environment. From eBooks to cloud-based collaborative work projects, the online environment adds depth to the classroom and expands opportunities for students from different backgrounds including those with special needs. Online learning might never fully supplant traditional in person classroom learning, but it can help educators and students reach their mutual goals.
Educational institutions should in fact work harder to improve their online education offerings, to promote social justice goals in education, enhance student engagement, and expand opportunities for a broader client base. Enhancing Student…. Online College vs. Traditional College When considering the ever-changing and ever-growing world of globalization and technology, it is no surprise that such trends have found their way into the educational arena. Accordingly, with the computerization of classrooms and assignments many more worldly citizens have been given access to the valuable education they deserve. Regardless of the subject they teach, almost all teaching professionals have also had to become more educated in the world of technology.
For, in addition to the computerization of assignments, technology has found its way into several other aspects of the overall higher education experience. In the modern collegiate world things like applications, grades, transcripts, library resources, textbooks and even exams have all been incorporated into the lives of students and faculty members. In keeping with this advancement of technological integration, countless universities have begun to offer online classes and degree programs, whereby students never enter a…. Certainly, pedagogy may be an issue. Whatever the case, human anxiety is a critical issue in the employment of Web 2.
In an article in Nursing Education Perspectives, the issue is raised as to whether social media such as Twitter could bridge the gap. It appears that Twitter may provide a social media that ties classes together and builds classroom comradery and community in the online classroom. Faculty interviewed in the article have reported success in this area. They report that the ability to send an unshared message to the instructor was helpful and may help reduce student anxiety Skiba, , It appears to this author that Twitter has tremendous potential, not just in the area of class community building and reduction of student anxiety, but also in developing and adapting the tool because of the handy diagnostic tools available to analyze bands of tweets….
References Skiba, D. Nursing education 2. Nursing Education Perspectives, 29 2 , Sun, P. What drives a successful e- learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction. Online riting Do students lose more than they gain in online writing classes? Kiefer argues that the online educational format for a writing class is inferior to the traditional classroom setting that is normally composed of a limited amount of students. In the traditional writing classroom students can be given the timely feedback that has been shown to be able to increase their writing capabilities. The online setting by contrast has inherent limitations that do not allow for the quality and timeliness that is needed to effectively study writing.
Although Kiefer's overall argument has valid points, there are two considerations that must be taken. These considerations look at alternatives and the future of online education. Body The first is that not all students are able to take a class in person due to work or a personal situation. Therefore, while not ideal, an online course can still be a worthwhile…. Any lack of candor with reference to how I approach my interview is unethical. If I am interviewing a professor about online learning vs. what he does in classrooms, of course I don't need to go into deep, involved detail about what I might do if "a" or "b" occurs during the interview; but a forthright introduction to my intentions is the best ethical approach.
TO No apologies need to be made in advance even though, let's say, the interview is to be with a housewife who has to babies at home and can't attend classes at the local community college. She may be suspicious of a college student's intentions. Consent is usually based on what the researcher plans to do with the information; my honest answer is, "I'm doing this for a research class and none of the information will be published or made public in any way. Works Cited Golafshani, Nahid. Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report, 8 4 , Schram, T. Conceptualizing and proposing qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Money and Have Fun! If you're looking for a recession proof career, a second job, or even a job where you can make great money with short hours, think about working in the Nightlife industry. What's the Nightlife industry? It's where you'd hang out every night if you could, and with a job in the industry -- you can! Working as a bartender, DJ, manager, or promoter is exciting, but it's lucrative too. That's the kind of job that's easy to take, can help put you through school, or adds to your income, and it's a fun way to earn a living, too. You'll meet a lot of people, have fun, and make a decent income at the same time. That's a job with…. Education Industry Marketing Distance Learning? com institutions is an indication of a new trend in mass marketing of education.
The strategies are based on traditional transactional marketing approach where each transaction is treated as an isolated event" Shaik, The opportunities for getting a degree without having to physically attend classes have grown exponentially the past twenty years or so, thanks to the explosive growth of distance learning also called online education. This paper delves into the marketing of distance learning, and presents a wide range of approaches by various educational institutions and marketing eb sites that promote distance education. According to eLearners. com, a eb site that markets online colleges and universities, there are colleges currently offering distance education, and there are 5.
The eLearners. com site sells ads to online colleges and universities and offers a link to each…. Works Cited College-Scholarship. College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees. Colleges and Universities that Offer Free Courses Online. Cole, , p. subjective data might not explain the issue, with regard to anything but perception by students and instructors as to the effectiveness of the course. In other words the qualitative scientific theoretical model would best demonstrate an answer to the issue of quality, in a manner than can be generalized. The results would then allow the two classes, face-to-face vs. online to be compared on an equal footing. The hope would…. The entity from which ERIC acquires the content, including journal, organization, and conference names, or by means of online submission from the author.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 29 6 Shank, G. Education in the Community A major issue currently effecting culture, population, and demographics is that of wealth inequality. As the global economic downturn continues throughout the world, wealth disparity is increasing rapidly. This affects culture, population, and overall demographics in a litany of ways. First, due primarily to lower wages, families are postponing child birth. The uncertainty surrounding the future creates an atmosphere of fear. Families are now waiting until the economic climate becomes more certain before they have their children. Furthermore, the median income for middle class families has plummeted within the last 3 years.
This creates problems as families are less apt to spend money are discretionary activities that form the basis of their culture. Holiday spending, for example has yet to reach its heights. Families are…. References 1 "Employment Situation Summary. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Education Trust,. Online discussions are asynchronous postings of electronic messages by members of a particular class in a conversation that is continued on topics that are designated by an instructor. Online discussions are useful since they help instructors facilitate online courses and faculties that teach remote sites through interactive television.
These are quite beneficial for faculties that each traditional courses and only meet once or twice a week as well as faculties that are occasionally absent from class. This is just like any other type of learning and therefore theory will inform the facilitation of online discussion. Theory brings out the idea of what is to be learned and therefore will form the basis for the discussion. We can say that theory is what facilitates online discussion since the learners and facilitators have what they need to form the base of their discussion. it is therefore very important for the facilitators to have…. Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment. Keys to Facilitating Successful Online Discussions. htm Nichols.
Online discourse. pdf ADODCC. Best Practices from ADODCC Facilitators'. Other prevention techniques are open communication, conflict management training, resource allocation, communication using "I" language , managing others expectations and focusing on others first. However, in an online environment, this process occurs quickly through interacting and completing the team charter that establishes teamwork expectation. Team Charter: Managing Conflict Team conflict is inevitable, and it must be managed effectively so that productivity is not affected. Hence, a team charter is vital to the success of an online workgroup.
Such a document establishes ground rules, expectations, and communication tool that will facilitate team engagement in an asynchronous environment. Should a team member go missing in action, this document serves as recourse for consequences in not supporting team efforts. Since this document contains protocol for handling team conflict, team members can merely reference the document and be objective in handling the conflict. Moreover, the team is better prepared for projects, understand each person's role,…. References Wienclaw, R. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. In Merriam-Webster's dictionary online. Human Resource Development International, 13 1 , Logos in online communications changes because diction has changed such as in the use of slang.
Words can be copied, pasted, and inserted into related documents that are then shared with the group via the online collaboration software and so words have become less sacrosanct, more a part of the common domain. Online collaboration tools aid communication and make at-a-distance meetings possible. However, online communication has drawbacks. One major drawback with online communication is the potential for misunderstanding because of the lack of nonverbal communication cues. Unless the speaker uses video conferencing tools, his or her emotions are difficult to read. The use of emoticons does not make up for slight twitches in facial muscles, eye contact, or posture in helping viewers read the speaker.
Therefore, online communication tools make the pathos part of the rhetorical equation more difficult to execute. Group members need to use creative means to convey…. References Canons of Rhetoric. html eParticipation. Managing collective intelligence: toward a new corporate governance. Online Collaboration: How and Why? What is Online Collaboration? Online Collaboration bases the system on what have been started by the earlier PC networking system. Users in certain local area and other network are capable to communicate each other on their PC by swapping files and mails in text file, although during the early time it was limited to text data in small size.
As technology has developed more sophisticated facilities, it is possible for people to use the complete system to transfer information anywhere in seconds, enabling people to cut time and travel and having the whole work, outline, discussions and commands transferred through the wire. People are depended on computers to connect to each other nowadays. With the emergence of the internet, many industries will find an open door to spread the news and support the growth to anywhere in the world. Controlling the whole world's business will…. Bibliography: Berst, Jesse.
Oct 11, How to Use the Web for Meetings. Apr 11, Laiserin, Jerry. Dec, The Pre-History of Internet Collaboration. Cadence Channel. Levitt, Mark. Jan Warning: Collaboration Can be Harmful to Your Employees' Productivity Unless Used Properly. Doc VWP Miller, Michael J. How to Build Offices Without Walls Today. PC Magazine. The motivations of those using LinkedIn are to find a better career and grow their circle of influence throughout the industry of which they are a part. On Facebook, the same goal may be present, yet it is more likely to be connecting with long-lost friends and also bragging about only the most glamorous parts of one's life Ledbetter, Mazer, DeGroot, Meyer, Mao, Swafford, Facebook tends to bring out the worst in people, namely arrogance, pride and the tendency to flirt with long-lost girlfriends and boyfriends, no wonder it has been a catalyst of divorces recently Ledbetter, Mazer, DeGroot, Meyer, Mao, Swafford, It is considered cheating if one flirts and entices another on a social network, just as it would be if it happened in person as well.
The flipside of this is that Facebook has brought together friends and family who have not seen each other in…. References Ford, C. Are You Linked in? Journal of Accountancy, 3 , , Ledbetter, a. Attitudes Toward Online Social Connection and Self-Disclosure as Predictors of Facebook Communication and Relational Closeness. Communication Research, 38 1 , Online Challenges Online classes are presented with challenges that brick and mortar classes do not have to face. The challenge of not being able to see the professor to ask questions is limited to email, phone, and times the professor is available. There are challenges concerning the learning of the online class environment to meet assignments and obtain instructions.
Each class may be set up different ways. There are time management concerns because, with Asynchronous classes, for example, the week is set up from Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight. There are time differences between geographic locations that also play a part. Determination has to be made between the time differences. The online environment can be especially challenging to someone who has never done online classes. Learning the different functions…. Education today has become more interesting and challenging than it has ever been before. This is particularly the case with the teaching and learning of English as a second language.
Immigrants to the United States and other English speaking countries, for example, are faced with the challenge of not only learning a new language sufficiently to be able to communicate in their new environment, but also of fitting in with a lifestyle and culture that is more often than not completely foreign to them. These challenges can have both a motivating and demotivating effect on EFL and ESL learners. Teachers who are aware of these effects can then more effectively plan their lessons and work with such students to help them obtain optimal results. Hence, a myriad of research articles have seen the light regarding the challenges faced by this sector of learners. References Adriaensens, D. Further Destruction of Iraq's Higher Education: Blazing Fires, Forged Degrees And Silencer Guns.
htm Bao, D. EFL learners moving to an ESL context: Motivating and demotivating factors in English language learning among Iraqis. The New English Teacher, Vol. A Situational Analysis of Girls Education in Iraq. pdf McTaggart, R. Beijing Teachers College Press. Online AntiTrust Issues Antitrust law is a United States legal code that helps to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competition actions by organizations. The Sherman Act of was one of the first attempts to restrict large companies who fixed price, output and then manipulated demand to maximize their products. Standard Oil was one of the prime early examples of a company that controlled markets to the point that the government felt was detrimental to the entry of other competitors Bork, This does not stop with Facebook and Google, but moves into many of the giant e-tailers Amazon, EBay, etc.
that often use predatory or collusive practices to force customers into either advertising on their site, pricing to their scale, or in the…. If so, why does it matter? html Monopoly. January 20, The Linux Project. Imagine that you are providing professional development on these topics. Which strategies from your reading would you use? Which strategies would you omit if time constraints did not permit you to use all of them? How would you assess their understanding and implementation of the training? Adjustable assignments, compacting and grouping are used in conjunction with one another to improve the quality of education. This is accomplished through using each method to increase the student's comprehension of key concepts.
In differentiated instruction, this is addressing individual styles of learning through various formats. Gregory, , pp. The way that this can be implemented, is by pre-assessing individual capabilities through: quizzes and other formats. Compacting is when specific curriculum is presented to the student that will address their…. References Brown, D. Differentiated Instruction. Online platforms enable students to study in all the online courses without even moving from where they live. With modern educational applications, students can even appear in exams while sitting in their homes. In addition to all these benefits, online schools are way cheaper than traditional education. Under traditional university programs, the students are required to pay for textbooks, transportation, and other institutional facilities.
Facilities, such as physical libraries, gyms, swimming pools, and having lunch outside add to the cost of physical education. Online education, more or less only charges for tuition fees along with a few obligatory charges. This enables both poor and rich students to have more or less equal learning opportunities. Many believe that online learning will soon take over all traditional forms of education. Nowadays, almost everyone has access to the internet and tech gadgets are becoming smart and cheaper. You can take online classes from the comfort of your home. In short, online education enables you to only pay for tuition along with a few obligatory expenses. Online education enables you to attend live lectures in minutes. Therefore, it only takes minutes to begin learning. This means that instead of traveling miles to reach and return from your educational campuses you save hours by attending online lectures.
In conclusion, access to the best form of education has become a fundamental aspect of human life. Online learning is a feasible, cheaper, and convenient way through which individuals in need of higher education can attain their objectives. While a few drawbacks are linked to virtual learning, the quality of education offered is almost equivalent to that offered in traditional classrooms. I think that the benefits of online education surpass all other forms of education. Based on all the above-listed arguments I can now say that online learning is the most effective mode of getting a good education. Disadvantages of Online Education: Online or internet-based learning is a relatively new mode of education.
While face-to-face education has been around for centuries, online education is still developing every day. I believe that traditional schooling is much better than online education. In this essay, I will present arguments to prove why traditional learning is better. Online learning fails to provide a healthy learning environment. Students attend virtual classes while feeling lazy and less focused. Many students are unable to understand the body language of their instructor through small screens. On the other hand, traditional schooling is much more interactive. It enables teachers to interact with all the students while teaching. Teachers do this by making eye contact, paying attention to every student, and ultimately filling the room with positive learning energy. Eye contact along with individual attention to every student thus enhances the learning experience by many folds.
Through online learning students just turn on their computers where ever they are and start attending online courses. In conclusion, I am not trying to criticize online learning by any means. I am of the view that the online education system is still developing and is not yet ready to satisfy student learning needs. More time is required to make the online system function as the traditional education system. Until that time traditional schooling was just better. Answer: Yes, it is an argument. Primary and high school students are mostly required to write argumentative essays to improve mental reasoning. Answer: Many believe that online studies are the future of education. Online education is a convenient, less costly, and time-saving way of getting an education.
Answer: Many believe online education is taking over all other forms of learning.
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